The Role of Business Ties on the Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam


  • Vo Van Dut Can Tho University, Campus II


Small and medium enterprises, export performance, business ties, same fields ties, different fields ties, financial ties


The aim of this study is to investigate whether business ties affect the export performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. We use data from the European Research Organization, surveying 2,628 small and medium enterprises operating in 18 production fields and services across 10 provinces in Vietnam. OLS regression was used to test the effect of business ties and other control factors on SMEs’ export performance. Research results show that firms contacting many other enterprises in different fields, as well as financial firms, will decrease their export performance. In addition, firm size, level of investment in R&D, political ties and outsourcing also have a significant influence on SMEs’ export performance. The study proposes some solutions to help increase export performance for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam.


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Vo Van Dut. (2023). The Role of Business Ties on the Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(3).



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