Urban Households’ Willingness to Pay for Organic Products: The Case of Organic Oranges in Long Xuyen City


  • Ho Bach Nhat VNU HCMC - An Giang University
  • Vo Van Dut Can Tho University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i1.167


Willingness to pay, organic oranges, choice experiment (CE), conditional logit model (CL), Long Xuyen City


The study examines the effects of product attributes on consumers' willingness to pay for organic oranges in Long Xuyen and estimates the consumers’ willingness to pay for each attribute. The method of the choice experiment (CE) was used to analyze the organic orange consumption behavior of households, with a data source of 171 consumers representing urban households in Long Xuyen City from April 2021 to June 2021. The conditional Logit model (CL) estimates the consumers’ willingness to pay for organic oranges’ attributes. The research results show that factors that positively affect consumers' willingness to pay include quality class, product traceability, organic certification labeling, and organic content. Besides, price has a negative effect on consumer utility and consumers' willingness to pay, from highest to lowest, including organic content, an organic certification label, product traceability, and a quality class.


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How to Cite

Ho Bach Nhat, & Vo Van Dut. (2023). Urban Households’ Willingness to Pay for Organic Products: The Case of Organic Oranges in Long Xuyen City. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i1.167



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