Assessment of Customers’ Satisfaction with Helicopter Tour Services for Sightseeing at Ha Long Bay


  • Vu Thi Minh Hien VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Pham Van Dung Northern Vietnam Helicopter Company
  • Tran Kim Loan VNU University of Economics and Business


Satisfaction, customer, helicopter, Ha Long Bay


A helicopter tour refers to a short flight provided at a tourist destination and/or a natural wonder for visitors to enjoy the view of the landscape from a height. This kind of flight has been popular around the world. In Vietnam, this is considered a one-of-a-kind, luxury, and high-class form of tourism, provided by the Northern Helicopter Company - Vietnam Helicopter Corporation since May 2019, which has attracted many international and domestic tourists. By surveying 489 visitors, who used the service, the article clarifies and proposes solutions to increase their satisfaction, which is a decisive factor for the success of the company’s branding and development.


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How to Cite

Vu Thi Minh Hien, Pham Van Dung, & Tran Kim Loan. (2023). Assessment of Customers’ Satisfaction with Helicopter Tour Services for Sightseeing at Ha Long Bay. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(1).



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