Factors Affecting Core Health Workforce Retention at Medical Centers under the Hanoi Department of Health


  • Nguyen Danh Nam East Asia University of Technology
  • Uong Thi Ngoc Lan VNU University of Economics and Business
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i1.161


Retention, core health workforce, medical center, Hanoi


The study aims to explore factors affecting core health workforce retention at medical centers under the Hanoi Department of Health. The study used the Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Model to test the fit of the model and the research hypotheses with the analytical data obtained from 387 core employees at 29 district medical centers in Hanoi. The results showed that 8 factors containing the nature of work, work environment, training and development, relationship with superiors, relationship with colleagues, organization recognition, income and benefits, and organizational culture have a significantly positive impact on core health workforce retention. Of these, the factor of training and development has the highest impact on core health workforce retention. On the contrary, the factor of relationship with colleagues has the lowest impact on core health workforce retention. Based on the outcomes, several important management implications are suggested to support leaders of district-level medical centers to improve aspects to enhance the effectiveness of retaining the core health workforce.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Danh Nam, & Uong Thi Ngoc Lan. (2023). Factors Affecting Core Health Workforce Retention at Medical Centers under the Hanoi Department of Health. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i1.161



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