The role of pay satisfaction in organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention: A case study of Hanoi’s grassroots health line


  • Nguyen Danh Nam East Asia University of Technology


Pay satisfaction, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention


The study aims to explore the impact of pay satisfaction on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention of Hanoi’s grassroots healthcare workers. Data was collected from 462 healthcare workers and the PLS-SEM model was used to test the theoretical model. Research results show that organizational commitment and job satisfaction are positively impacted by dimensions of pay satisfaction. The findings also indicate that turnover intention is governed solely by benefits. In addition, organizational commitment and job satisfaction play a role in reducing the turnover intention of grassroots healthcare workers. These findings are useful for grassroots health line managers in developing countries such as Vietnam to improve turnover intention, and enhance job satisfaction, and organizational commitment by carrying out dimensions of pay satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Danh Nam. (2024). The role of pay satisfaction in organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention: A case study of Hanoi’s grassroots health line. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(1), 69.



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