Metaverse and learners’ online learning in digital transformation


  • Le Xuan Cu Thuongmai University


Metaverse, online learning, learners


The study aims to analyze the influence of Metaverse on online learning in the era of digital transformation by considering learners’ use intention toward Metaverse. A research model is postulated in light of Diffusion of Innovation (DOI). Data were collected from 460 respondents who have experienced online learning. This study utilizes Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for examining hypotheses. Investigations demonstrate that decision confidence is driven by antecedents of DOI (relative advantage and compatibility) and Metaverse characteristics (interaction, immersion, and escapism). Furthermore, decision confidence and online learning experience significantly motivate use intention toward Metaverse. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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How to Cite

Le Xuan Cu. (2024). Metaverse and learners’ online learning in digital transformation. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(5), 105.



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