The effect of authentic leadership on Generation Z’s turnover intention: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility


  • Do Vu Phuong Anh VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Ngo Thi Hong Minh National Economic University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Do Phuong Thanh National Economic University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Do Phuong Linh National Economic University, Hanoi, Vietnam


Authentic leadership, corporate social responsibility, turnover intention, Generation Z


This study explores the relationship between authentic leadership and turnover intention among Generation Z employees in Vietnam, examining the mediating role of corporate social responsibility. Data were collected through an online survey from 294 Geneneration Z employees across various companies nationwide. Results indicate that authentic leadership negatively impacts turnover intention directly. Additionally, the study confirms the mediating effect of corporate social responsibility in this relationship. These findings aim to underscore the importance of authentic leadership and corporate social responsibility in talent retention strategies, offering practical implications for organizations and management. Strengthening leadership qualities and fostering a deeper commitment to societal values could effectively mitigate turnover intention of Generation Z employees.


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How to Cite

Do Vu Phuong Anh, Ngo Thi Hong Minh, Do Phuong Thanh, & Do Phuong Linh. (2024). The effect of authentic leadership on Generation Z’s turnover intention: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(3), 85.



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