Determinants of the land information system’s operational success in Vietnam


  • Hoang Thi Huong VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Ngo Thi Ha VNU University of Economics and Business


Land information system, the behavioral intention to use, natural resources and environment


The Land Information System (LIS) is a tool to improve the quality of land management services and plays an important role in the development of each country. In Vietnam, LIS was established according to the regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) in 2014, which is quite late compared to developed countries in the West. Until now, the demand for land information exploitation in Vietnam has not been fully met due to the lack of modern information infrastructure and the absence of a system for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness. Understanding the factors influencing the adoption of LIS is crucial for digital transformation and improving land management efficiency. Therefore, this study evaluates the factors determining the behavioral intention to use LIS among management officials in the field of natural resources and environment to assess the success level of LIS operations in Vietnam. Survey data were collected from 170 officials working in 12 localities and analyzed using the PLS-SEM model. The research results show that system quality, information quality, service quality, and perceived usefulness of LIS have a positive and significant impact on the intention to use the system.


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How to Cite

Hoang Thi Huong, & Ngo Thi Ha. (2025). Determinants of the land information system’s operational success in Vietnam. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 5(1), 65.



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