Impact of national institutional quality on the foreign-direct-invested economic sector in emerging economies - The moderating role of financial development


  • Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi Foreign Trade University
  • Pham Thu Huong Foreign Trade University
  • Vu Hoang Nam Foreign Trade University
  • Nguyen Thi An Ly Foreign Trade University


Interregional tourism, travel motivation, tourism promotion, interregional travel intention, Vietnam


Interregional tourism is a form of tourism that fosters connections and development between regions, utilizing their geographical, cultural, and resource advantages to create diverse tourism products, increase competitive advantage, and bring benefits to participants. This article examines the influence of travel motivation and promotion activities on tourists' intention to participate in interregional tourism. Using structural equation modeling on 527 valid responses from a structured questionnaire survey, this study highlights the importance of tourism promotion campaigns in stimulating interregional tourism demand. Additionally, this article highlights the influence of social motivation and awareness-raising on tourists’ intention to participate in interregional tourism.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi, Pham Thu Huong, Vu Hoang Nam, & Nguyen Thi An Ly. (2025). Impact of national institutional quality on the foreign-direct-invested economic sector in emerging economies - The moderating role of financial development. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 5(1), 116.



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