Enhancing customer trust and loyalty through e-commerce website service quality of Vietnamese fashion companies


  • Nguyen Hien Phuong Hanoi Telecom Corporation
  • Le Thi Tu Anh Thuong mai University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/vnu-jeb.v4i5.407


Service quality, e-commerce website, customer trust, customer loyalty, fashion business


In the context of explosion in e-commerce in Vietnam, company managers quickly seized the opportunity to promote business through the company’s website. Improving e-commerce website service quality is an inevitable requirement, helping businesses attract and retain customers. Based on analyzing data collected from 419 customers who have shopped at websites of fashion businesses in Vietnam, this study has clarified the impact of e-commerce website service quality on customer trust. and loyalty. From the results obtained, this paper proposes several managerial implications to help fashion businesses improve important aspects of website service quality, including: system quality, ease of ordering, communication and delivery service.


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Nguyen Hien Phuong, & Le Thi Tu Anh. (2024). Enhancing customer trust and loyalty through e-commerce website service quality of Vietnamese fashion companies. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(5), 87. https://doi.org/10.57110/vnu-jeb.v4i5.407



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