The development of research on the VNU Journal of Economics and Business: A bibliometric analysis


  • Luong Tram Anh VNU University of Economics and Business


VNU Journal of Economics and Business, bibliometric analysis, VOS viewer


The VNU Journal of Economics and Business (JEB), under the VNU University of Economics and Business, Hanoi (VNU - UEB), is one of the leading scientific journals publishing high-quality research in economics and business in Vietnam. Since 2018, changes in the VNU - UEB development strategy have led to shifts in the development direction of JEB, such as enhancing reputation, influence, and internationalization. This study aims to examine and evaluate the development of the journal during the recent development period from 2018 to 2023. The research results indicate a significant increase in the growth rate of articles and authors in JEB. In addition, there is diverse collaboration in terms of research units and countries; however, this diversity still needs to be improved. Publications in JEB focus on seven main research themes, among which digital transformation and green economy are emerging topics of interest in recent publications. The results provide policy implications for the management of JEB and researchers in economics and business interested in JEB in the future.


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Luong Tram Anh. (2024). The development of research on the VNU Journal of Economics and Business: A bibliometric analysis. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(3), 95.



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