The relationship between strategic cooperation, speculative behavior and performance of the apparel industry supply chain in the Southeast region of Vietnam


  • Nguyen Thanh Hung University of Finance - Marketing


Speculative behavior, strategic cooperation, performance, supply chain, apparel industry


The study explores the relationship between strategic cooperation, speculative behavior and performance of the apparel supply chain - an industry in Vietnam that is facing a post-COVID-19 crisis and struggling with the greening trend. Information sharing was used as a mediating variable to examine the relationship between strategic cooperation, speculative behavior and supply chain performance. Survey results and analysis using SmartPLS software on data from 220 enterprises in the apparel industry supply chain in the Southeast show that strategic cooperation directly reduces speculative behaviors and indirectly reduces these behaviors through information sharing while also indirectly improving, rather than directly improving, supply chain performance. Sharing information with suppliers helps improve supply chain performance and reduce speculative behavior. Sharing information with customers reduces speculative behavior, but does not directly improve apparel supply chain performance. Thereby, the research contributes to the sustainable development theory and practice of the apparel industry.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Thanh Hung. (2024). The relationship between strategic cooperation, speculative behavior and performance of the apparel industry supply chain in the Southeast region of Vietnam. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 4(1), 21.



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