Influence of MIX Marketing Factors on Consumers’ Decision to Buy Chilled Meat in Hanoi


  • Nguyen Van Phuong VNU University of Economics and Business


Marketing MIX, cold meat, purchasing decision, consumers, Hanoi


The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of factors in marketing MIX on the decision to buy chilled meat of consumers in Hanoi. Data collected by online survey with 381 valid votes were collected and used for analysis. The results of the analysis of the linear structural model (PLS-SEM) show that the selling price factor and the product factor are the two most important factors promoting the purchase of chilled meat products by consumers. The other two factors are place and promotion still the same, they also have a positive effect, boosting consumers’ decision to buy cold meat. Research results provide managerial implications for business managers. To improve efficiency and attract consumers to buy chilled meat, managers need to pay attention and develop a MIX marketing strategy that harmoniously integrates product, pricing, place and promotion policies. In particular, managers pay special attention to building a flexible pricing policy to attract buyers and focus on the strategy of diversification and improvement of product quality.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Van Phuong. (2023). Influence of MIX Marketing Factors on Consumers’ Decision to Buy Chilled Meat in Hanoi. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(5), 63.



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