Factors Affecting Social Dialogue, Working Environment, Wages and Employee Benefits: Research at Vietnamese Textile and Garment Enterprises


  • Bui Thi Thu Ha Thuongmai University
  • Dinh Thi Huong Thuongmai University
  • Ta Huy Hung VNU – International School
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i5.231


Social dialogue, working environment, salary, welfare, garment enterprises, Vietnam


The study aims to analyze the factors affecting social dialogue, the impact of social dialogue on the working environment, wages, and welfare of workers in garment enterprises in Vietnam. Data obtained from 381 questionnaires of employees and managers of 127 garment enterprises were processed through SPSS 26 and AMOS 24 software and then descriptive statistics, EFA analysis, CFA analysis, SEM analysis and a Bootstrap test were conducted. The research results show the following factors: The capacity of the State management agencies on labor, the capacity of the subject of labor relations, and the corporate culture have an influence on the social dialogue and the social dialogue affect on the working environment, wages, and welfare of workers in garment enterprises.


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How to Cite

Bui Thi Thu Ha, Dinh Thi Huong, & Ta Huy Hung. (2023). Factors Affecting Social Dialogue, Working Environment, Wages and Employee Benefits: Research at Vietnamese Textile and Garment Enterprises. VNU JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 3(5), 25. https://doi.org/10.57110/jebvn.v3i5.231



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